Siobahn Hotaling


Siobahn Hotaling is a New York poet, writer, singer, and songwriter who released the well-received albums “Heart on Fire” in 2012 and “Unguarded” in 2015. Also an experienced digital marketing professional, Siobahn Hotaling’s professional identity encompasses facets such as event organizer, corporate trainer, and designer of impactful online user experiences.

Ms. Hotaling is presently aiming to move into the field of psychology by leveraging her technology skills and fluency in working with diverse groups and individuals. She recently earned a master’s degree in psychology from the Extension School at Harvard University and now aims to guide diversity and bias training within the personal and organizational development spheres.

Ms. Hotaling’s MA work included a capstone project that involved identifying pathways toward eliminating the prejudgments and false statements that are posted online. By encouraging individuals to accept a deeper understanding of others, she hopes to break through systemic barriers and address unfairness and oppression that exist. As such, Siobahn Hotaling is a firm advocate of LGBTQ rights and strongly supports the Black Lives Matter movement.


Siobahn Hotaling